Trying Something Different

I absolutely love streaming on Twitch. There’s something about sharing my gaming experiences with people and interacting with them in the chat which I really enjoy. However lately I’ve struggled due to the fact that there hasn’t been that many games come out that I’ve felt compelled to play, not on the PS4 at least. Sure there’s Apex, but I can only play it for an hour or so before I begin to feel burnt out with it. So instead, I’ve decided to try something a little different with my Twitch streams in the future. Continue reading “Trying Something Different”

Paintshack: Vibrant Red

When it comes to painting, I’m rather fond of stark contrasts in my colour schemes. Hence when I decided upon my force of Crimson Fists, I knew that I wanted the “crimson fist” to stand out against the sea of dark blue armour. Continue reading “Paintshack: Vibrant Red”

Paintshack: Crimson Fist Power Armour

After receiving numerous questions about how I achieved the results that I did with the painted miniatures I posted online, I’ve decided to start a dedicated series in my blog aimed at providing useful tips and tricks that I use when painting my miniatures. For the record, I don’t think I’m God’s gift to painting in fact I’ve always believed my painting to be nothing better than “okay“, but hopefully if you don’t even know where to start or are just looking for some extra help, there’ll be something that’s useful for you.

Continue reading “Paintshack: Crimson Fist Power Armour”

Getting back into Warhammer

Warhammer has been a massive part of my life for as long as I can remember. Ever since I first clapped eyes on the immaculately painted miniatures in my local store at the ripe old age of eleven, I’ve been hooked. Over the years, it’s been the one hobby that I’ve always managed to find my way back to and it seems once again I’m at that stage again.

Continue reading “Getting back into Warhammer”

The Test of Time

“They don’t make ’em like they used to,” is a popular phrase you hear a lot when you’re from my neck of the woods. Generally, it’s from an older age group, ruminating on the degradation of modern technology trends which can include everything from toasters to aeroplanes, no matter what it is, people truly believe that things were better “back then”. Which actually got me thinking, about things which are relevant to me, that have stood the test of time and things which attempted to survive throughout the ever-changing trends and demands of a growing audience, but unfortunately failed. Continue reading “The Test of Time”

Expensive Hobbies

It seems to me in this modern age, that the single greatest dilemma every person on the planet does battle with on a daily basis, is that against boredom. Whether it’s on the morning commute to work or you find yourself with an entire day and nothing to do, boredom can literally strike at any moment without warning. The biggest defence that we have against this age-old enemy, is to equip ourselves with numerous hobbies or tasks in the hopes and prayers that it is enough to satiate our boredom and return us back into that state of daily contentment. Which begs the question, if they’re so important to a healthy daily routine, why are hobbies so expensive? Continue reading “Expensive Hobbies”