
The Best Burgers in Town!

We all love fast food. Especially burgers. They’re cheap, quick and it beats having to wash up, but normally this means compromising to some extent on quality and freshness. However, there’s a new kid on the block at Trinity Walk and they won’t settle for anything less than the best. Continue reading “The Best Burgers in Town!”

The Test of Time

“They don’t make ’em like they used to,” is a popular phrase you hear a lot when you’re from my neck of the woods. Generally, it’s from an older age group, ruminating on the degradation of modern technology trends which can include everything from toasters to aeroplanes, no matter what it is, people truly believe that things were better “back then”. Which actually got me thinking, about things which are relevant to me, that have stood the test of time and things which attempted to survive throughout the ever-changing trends and demands of a growing audience, but unfortunately failed. Continue reading “The Test of Time”

Expensive Hobbies

It seems to me in this modern age, that the single greatest dilemma every person on the planet does battle with on a daily basis, is that against boredom. Whether it’s on the morning commute to work or you find yourself with an entire day and nothing to do, boredom can literally strike at any moment without warning. The biggest defence that we have against this age-old enemy, is to equip ourselves with numerous hobbies or tasks in the hopes and prayers that it is enough to satiate our boredom and return us back into that state of daily contentment. Which begs the question, if they’re so important to a healthy daily routine, why are hobbies so expensive? Continue reading “Expensive Hobbies”

Don’t Forget The Oldies…

Everyone started somewhere when it comes to gaming, and with the leaps and bounds the industry has made in the last 20 years, it’s easy to forget just where it all began for you. But there’s a saying my grandparents are becoming ever fonder of, “don’t forget the oldies” (seriously, they’re terrified of care homes…) but the same goes for gaming. Continue reading “Don’t Forget The Oldies…”

Goals: Everyone’s Got Em

The one thing I’ve discovered since the beginning of the year, is that it is important to distract yourself from the mundanity of everyday life in whatever way you can. Cos let’s face it, life can be pretty crap, but the only way you’re ever going to make it any better, is by doing something about it. The best way to go about this? Goals. Seriously, life is like an Xbox except you get to pick the achievements you complete and the rewards that you get for completing them! And if you can’t give yourself something to strive for, to aspire to, then what is the point of anything really? Continue reading “Goals: Everyone’s Got Em”